Lately I've been thinking 'bout wat i can do
I've been stressing to fall back in love with you
I'm so sorry that I couldn't follow through
But I can't go on this way
I've got to stop it babe
You've been wonderful in all that you can be
But it hurts when you say that you understand me
So believe me I, I am sorry I.. I am sorry I, I
I wanted you to be there when I fall
I wanted you to see me through it all
I wanted you to be the one I love
I wanted you, I wanted you
I wanted you to hold me in my sleep
I wanted you to show me what I need
I wanted you to know just how down deep
I wanted you, I wanted you
I've been pushing hard to open up the door
Trying to take us back to where we were before
But I'm done I just can't do this anymore
Cause we can't be mended
So let's stop pretending now
We've been walking round in circles for some time
And I think we should head for the finish line
So believe me I, I am sorry I.. I am sorry I, I
I wanted you to be there when I fall
I wanted you to see me through it all
I wanted you to be the one I love
I wanted you, I wanted you
I wanted you to hold me in my sleep
I wanted you to show me what I need
I wanted you to know just how down deep
I wanted you, I wanted you, yeah
I, I I'm so sorry baby but
I, I I've got to pack up and leave but
I, I'll always remember how we came close to be
And what I wanted to be
I wanted you baby
Oooooh Yeahh
I wanted you
I wanted, I wanted you
I wanted you to be there when I fall (I wanted you to be there, yeahhh)
I wanted you to see me through it all
I wanted you to be the one I love (Ooh ooh)
I wanted you, I wanted you (I wanted you oh)
I wanted you to hold me in my sleep
I wanted you to show me what I need (I wanted you to know me just how down deep yeah)
I wanted you to know just how down deep (I wanted you to know just how)
I wanted you, I wanted you
I wanted you
I.. I wanted you, I wanted you
Welcome To .......
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
AssiGnmEnt vS LpTop
salam kawan2....
huhu bocann tol....
saket aty pown ade aw....tu psal la cek habaq kt blog cek neyh...
gini ....aku ngh wt keje assgnment dirasat + bmw yg tnggl lg siket neyh
cz ustz hassan nk ciap jmaat n senin submit..
then dirosat ni ana fil mushkilah nk anto bile..but nk ciapkn cpat le...
t xde la susa2 time last minute...
but my lappy neyh ngado2 bona la....
tgh2 taip jew tetibe lptop neyh terpadam sendirik...
da la x sempat nk save..kne wt balik lak ue..
tp aku kene cenyum jew ....
spy ak x de la nk mara2 d bln ramadhan neyh...
n sbg cara tok bersabar....
cz sabar ue sparuh drpd iman....
ha...lg 1 lak.....ngah cri2 mklmat tntg keje len ..pown tetibe ilang cz line wireless terpadam cndrik...
geram trpkse gne broadband aku...
tp d sbbkn ujan...n broadband aku lak celcom..line pown lembab..
mmg teruji kesabaran aku...
tp xpe3....aku akn wt assgnmnt dgn sbaik mgkin....
ni lah bku2 aku yg aku blajo d sem 2 thun ke 2 kt uia ni...
dirasat quraniyah-akidah-EPT IELTS english-nahu-BMW-sorof
although the book looks thin .. but its content is so extensive
and very, very confusing
still studying hard to learn though
ijtahid tanjah...
n aku berharap laptop aku ni xkn wat hal lg ye..
Sunday, August 15, 2010
PuasE ohhh Puasa
Alhamdulillah bersyukur kehadrat Illahi cz dpt menyempurnakan ibadah puasa dgn baik
wlwpn br permulaan puasa kali ini aku d berikn ujian...
hati ni rase risau tntg kesihatan bonda yg berada d rumah seorg diri ...
dgn keadaan mak yg kurang sehat dan demam...
kini aku pula yg mengambil alih ujian tersebut..sejak 2 hari ni...aku sakit tekak...demam...kurang bermaya..
tp aku yakin allah akn membantu aku utk menjalani ibadah rkun islam yg ke3 ni dgn sempurna ...INSYAALLAH BIIZNILLAH....
hari berganti hari...detik2 masa telah meninggalkn aku sedikit demi sedikit
tp aku bersyukur kerana di bulan yg berbahagia ini..Bulan Ramadhan...berlaku di bulan Ogos...
kerana bulan ini sungguh nikmat buat bulan ni la bnyk peristiwa berlaku dlm hdupku
1 ) detik 11 August menjelma lah bulan Ramadhan Kareem
2 ) detik 8 August detik kelahiran sahabat baikku ani Sa'adah
3 ) detik 17 August detik kelahiran kwn baikku Fatin Hamizah
4 ) detik 21 August detik hari kelahiran aku yg ke 19 thun
5 ) bulan August ni kira2 majority detik kelahiran kwn2 aku...termasuklah aku..fatin..daus..
balqis..ani..izah..azyan..nadia farhaney.razie..ieja..tqa..zati samuri..tira..yan jalil..azahra..indah..
safiqah.. n ramai lg...yg penting aku n balqis kembo...21 August..
6 ) hari kemerdekaan detik 31 August..hehe
n lg 1 event...bulan 8 ni jgk la aku kene TASMIK..n kene wt PRESENTATION...huhu tahniah la ye pd diri aku..hehe
wlwpn aku cm xsehat..mak aku kate..kene kuatkn semangat tu..
ni pn ngh wt blog ni mak aku tepon..upenye mak aku ckp dye kt klinik..
aku ase isau sgt
dala mak aku sowg2 kt uma...lw arwah abah ade lg...leh jga kite kene redha dgn ketentuan Illahi
haa bulan puase ni bazar ramai owg la kn..
mcm2 juadah yg d sediakn..( tp kene beli la) hehe
tp bersyukur...semalam ade kakak 9kak mar) blnje aku mkn tok buka pose..
syukran Ya Rabb d ats nikmat yg tlh ko berikn...
tp aku sedey tgk ramai owg beli mkanan terlalu bnyk...
lastly mkanan x abez d makan n buang kt tong sampah...
sedeh kn??rezeki di buang2
sdgkn ade lg insan yg memerlukn bantuan makanan...
ni la tnda2 owg x geti bersyukur dgn nikmat Allah...
ckuplah membeli makanan sekadar mengikut keperluan bkn kehendak....
sunnah nabi kite mulakan berbuka puasa dgn memakan manisan seperti tamar...
punca makanan tidak dpt d habiskn adelah sbb
hawa nafsu telah mendorong kite tok membeli bmcm2 jnis mkanan...
sdgkn kite twu kite x mampu habiskn kesemuanya...
mcm2 jenis mkanan yg ade kt bazar..
jd tok akhirkn crita ni..nk ucapkn la..
slamat berbuka puasa pd sluruh umat islam ( ble tibe detik buka pose aw)
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