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Monday, January 24, 2011

EPT speaking punyer psal

salam semua...
arhggg actually aku x shuker ary ni..
cz ade Ept speaking exm...
sesungguhnye aku x minat bi...hua3x
tp nk wt cmner??
dh msuk UIA...
so redha jer lh kne amik bi....
nk x nk...kne EFFORD jgk
haha x gitu?
but td...aku discuss with my group member...
candidate A - Malik
candidate B - Afiq
candidate c -  ( aku ler)
candidate d - Fatin
haha..n bile mdm pnggil jer group member aku..
aku dh start cuak + takut..
sejuk + menggigil sudaa
actually..bkn sengaje aku nk tkut but dh mmg tetbe je scr spontan..huhu
n tjuk speaking aku rini...
" Modernization causes more harm than good "
haha...ko twu ape aku jwb??
err actually aku x dpt nk tlis ape2 pown mse 
dye give time utk tlis ape2 isi kite
cz ak ikut scre spontan lh nk ckp
ble Malik dh start ckp jer...khusyuk aku dgr ape yg dye nk ckp...sbb nk twu ape isi dye..elak aku slah isi kang..xke wt malu jer..haha
then Afiq lk ckp...but Afiq mle2 ckp kejap jer..tbe2 dh pass ke aku..haha menggelabah ayat aku...susunan ayat aku grammar of course lh dh x btul..
but Alhamdulillah laa...cz ade gk point aku nk ckp...hope madam n sir bg lh markah yg elok2 utk aku...spya aku x kne repeat english ni..
lw senang xpe..susa lk tu..huhu
but...aku bsyukur + berterima kasih pd someone yg xputus2 bg aku semangat...till when i woke up pg td..de msj dye wish me luck...even he far2x away from me..=)
so mean....aku bgn pg jer...aku dh senyum2..
haha...lawak?? but mmg btul pe...
td kuiz CCT pown alhamdulillah jgk..
but se gerun ngn sir Raheem today..
cz beliau tol2 nmpk STRAIGH n GARANG wlwpn dye sllu senyum....
last but not least...soalan laz skli susa..huuu
but i try my best...
doakan kejayaan aku..
huhhhh ble laaa maintainance ni nk kua dr bilik aku tok pasang2 lampu ni??
aku dh panas dh nk sejam dh pkai tudung...dh la kipas dye ttup..huuuu
haaa...skg lk dye mntk izin aku nk ttpu suis besar selame 5 minutes..
haha alamatnye??
madi peluh...but sokay lg drpd panas api neraka..huuu
nauzubillah min zalik...
haha ok2 lh..penat daaa dok menaip ni jer...
k undur diri dlu...
enjoy ur day..


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